Friday, August 27, 2004

The Green Apple incident

Last night, had a bad episode with my tummy, I struggle with my stupid descending colon daily, and I have missed a few things because of it, but what I missed last night was really disapointing because I missed a night out with the girls, and it's espically crappy (literaly and physically) because my good friend, the future doctor ( is heading back to med school. Man alive! I'm going to blame the lunch that the office brought in for a social event, pizza and KFC. Talking about over greasing the wheel.....Anyhoo, very disapointed, angry, and frankly, sore.
On a nice note, had a lovely birthday dinner for my Nerd (who will be hence forth known solely as Nerd), and did get together with lots of friends, which meant the world to be because they are getting to know Nerd, and he's getting to know them.
It was at a great restuarant, yummy, yummy butter nut squash crepes, spicy olives, tapilia, risotto! Soooo good. Nerd had sexy duck (that is actual duck, not my code name). We also discovered a wall of naked pictures, of actual customers, who have dinner in the old bank valut (restaurant is in an old bank for the 50's, and the old vault is now a wine cellar/private table) and if they want, and are drunk, they can have their picture taken. Naked. Thank goodness I only had two glasses of wine, Nerd probably good have been talked into (very easily) taking a nude photo. Sometimes he almost goes to work without dress, forgetting that he hasn't put pants on. Or underwear, or a shirt, or shoes, or socks....

Posted by Loba @ 10:56 a.m.

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If I'me known only as Nerd, you are known only as Splatter.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 1:06 p.m. #

"Sometimes he almost goes to work without dress, forgetting that he hasn't put pants on. Or underwear, or a shirt, or shoes, or socks...."

Must be on a Monday or a Thursday thankfully. Can't remember ever seeing him sans pants in the back room. Then again if that had happened my brain would have erased the memory. :)


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 1:58 p.m. #

if i were a teacher and you were my student, boy oh boy could i have fun with this one... espically, old bank valut, probably good have been talked into, meant the world to be because....
i'll stop now, because of your disapility

Posted by Blogger browneyedwren @ 4:08 p.m. #
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