Thursday, October 14, 2004
Disturbing Expressions and Sayings
1. I have to take a dump2. I'm going to pinch a loaf
3. Bum tit tit, bum tit tit, playing the hairy banjo.
4. Ooopps, I cut the cheese!
5. Where's the beef?
6. Dwayne the Fluffer.
7. Missionary style through a hole in the sheet.
8. Dutch oven (actually those are fun to do, I have a friend who specializes in rag Dutch ovens.)
9. Greasy anal leakage.
So, today at work some one called my hair daring and radical. I think it's pretty tame. Kind of puffy today actually. It's the humidity you see.
I'm also wearing my Mary Janes, and they look like there's some sort of nerd splatter on them. I really must get around to cleaning them.
I have 20 billion spread sheets to do, so I'm going to stare at the doughnut maker a little longer, and continue to let my nose run-onto my shirt.
I think I'm suppose to have lunch with my boss today, but like George Costanza, I'm not positive and don't want to ask. I'll just hang around a bit, and then if she isn't done her conference call around noon, I think I'll step out.
Jube jubes shouldn't be greasy.