Sunday, October 10, 2004

I had a traveller

So, last night at the end of the night, we were walking home from the legion, and I decided to take a little traveller with me. A can of bud, warm can of bud. It's pretty gross I must say. I had to stop drinking it because it tasted like Chef Bouyardee ravioli. Cold.
TOday my liver hurts, and my tummy is a bit in tourmoil, but I blame the carney's at the fall fair who were singing to each other-I want you to want me. It was sweet really, but also, scary. Also, seeing the young girls trying to impress the carney's, well, that just ain't coo.
Shit, yo.

Posted by Loba @ 9:46 p.m.

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you barely even like beer. you must have been really drunk. You told me that you didn't get really drunk. I am hurt and disapointed.


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 10:29 a.m. #

Well, they didn't have wine, so I was drinking rye, and by the end of the night, I was starting to feel the rye rage. I had to drink beer to temper it, but it was too disgusting (warm bud in a can, what was I thinking?), so I just went with the rage.

Posted by Blogger Loba @ 10:36 a.m. #
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