Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Yes'm Pa

Sooo, today, I was in the exec. Chef's kitchen brewing up some coffee, as my boss is in town today, and in meeting all day. I thought I would be nice and get her some coffee, juice and water. She doesn't ask for this, nor is expected of me, I just want to be a nice person. Anywhore, her meetings today are with nemesis, and he walks into the kitchen and asks "So, this part of your chores, getting the coffee made in the morning?" Yes dumbass, that's what I do after I feed the animals, bale some hay, and milk the cow. At which point I come into the office to finish my chores of making coffee. Christ almighty, it's time to slip through the doughnut hole and scram!
Did you ever notice it took Yoda forever to die in the empire strikes back? "You are the last jedi....l...The force is strong in you..............Did I leave my iron on?..............I don't want to burn down my cave..............You know? I worry about those sort of things........" Poor chunk of playdough.

Posted by Loba @ 10:07 a.m.

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guess where i am? the library!!! it's great here. I hate yer nemesis. I'd like to kick him in the balsac

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 2:16 p.m. #

Jessie Said

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 11:23 p.m. #

Jessie Said
I totally agree about Yoda,,,, Holy crap i thought i was the only one who noticed that. Why didnt luke club him over the head to get on with it?

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 11:25 p.m. #

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 7:31 a.m. #
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