Thursday, November 04, 2004
my nemisis
My nemisis just left the factory.I'm a little hot under the collar.
Basically because I keep telling him the same thing over and over, in different ways, in the same way, in any way I can get Nemmi to understand. Nothing works. So he drove in from an hour away for me to say, look this is all I can do to help you no more no less. Again, call this person they can help you, in fact they are 10 yards away, I'll escort you them to their machine.
Ugggggh. Nope, he continues asking the same question. Finally I'm like dude, I's gots to go do my chores. I can't fucking help. I told you what I know, given you all I can, now leave me alone!
On a nicer note, my wool pants are fully lined in silk, and they sure feel nice. Now if I shaved my legs more than 1 every three months, they'd feel divine.
Looks like I'm running in the rain tonight. Eeep. It'll be fun. Then when I spit, and pee myself, nobody will be the wiser.
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