Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Christmas Time=Hospital Stay (aka why I think I have the Black plague)

Between my Grandmother and I over the last 7 or so years, either one of us has been in the hospital around Christmas time. Good times my friend, my personal favorite stay was when I had kidney stones for three weeks and I barfed on a mean nurse and had the stones removed via an existing cavity, but that's another story...
At this point, I've been relatively healthy this year. I've just had strep throat and tonsillitis seven or so times this year, a few severe hangovers, cholera, brain damage, consumption, and a few bad ass colds. Oh yes, plus my IBS, but that's just become a running joke, hahaha, get it? RUNNING joke?
My Grandmother has fared worse for the wear this year, but she's the living dead, so she's going to out last us all. I guess it was the 71 years of smoking. All those chemicals preserved her. I just realized, she smoked as many years as my dad has been alive! Shit yo!
Anywhooooo, I think that the black death has gotten a hold of me, how do I know this? It's not the ring around the rosy or the pustuals, it's the smell the emits from my bumish area, I swear to God I'm dead on the inside, or at the very least fighting off a severe case of the black death!
Happy Holidays!!!!

Posted by Loba @ 11:52 a.m.

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you fear me to the point of loving me. Fear Love, nothing sweeter you can imagine!

Posted by Blogger Loba @ 2:23 p.m. #

and I just love how you wander around the donut factory, passing your fumes to the unexpecting innocents...muhahah


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 5:03 p.m. #
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