Thursday, February 03, 2005

What I did today at the Factory

1. Cried in a co-workers office
2. Took a few lettuce filled dumps
3. Walked into a wall (one of the dumps was so staggering, it took me by storm and I got vertigo)
4. Stuffed an apple core into one paper shredder box (which is collected bi-monthly)
5. Saw a corn relish shunt, and nearly smashed a phone book over her head
6. Had some yummy thai food that Wren so caringly shared
7. Looking forward to a spinning class, because I'm stressing something big here G.

That's about it. Stared at my cubicle a lot, thinking hard about desinging the next big doughnut launch (aka spread sheet # 120403894820398402384)

Posted by Loba @ 2:03 p.m.

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i'm still worried. and afraid.
somethings not right.
somethings gonna blow.


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 2:16 p.m. #
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