Monday, April 18, 2005

I can't get the pig I drew posted, but the below is what my drawering of the pig says about me.

Toward the middle, you are a realist. (that's true)

Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates ie: birthdays, etc. (I sort of remember them, I know the month. If someone forgets mine though, I'll fucking kill them)

With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. (that's not true, I just don't have fine motor skills to draw more details)

With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals. (so's your face)

The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew large ears, you are a great listener! (ironically I'm going deaf!)

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW! (ahem)

Posted by Loba @ 10:20 a.m.

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