Friday, July 08, 2005

I had an epiphany

So I kind of had an odd epiphany today, men at work, any place that people work, can see each other's peepee's.
Nerd says that men don't look at each other, and you always go to the furthest urinal from the person pissing, and NO TALKING, no talking and no talking.
All I can picture though is 'John' walking into a bathroom, saying hello to his coworker, and the coworker turning around with his dick in his hand to say hi and there you go, you've seen it. Or you know, when you walk by, you kind of see it, or you don't tuck it in quick enough, or you're shaking it off and it slaps against your thigh...
I thought I might just (as my roommate says with alarming frequency) pinch a loaf into the large recycling bin just to share in the the flashing of penis.
I don't know, maybe it's the lack of sleep talking, or maybe it's because my fart came out lumpy that I've decided that shitting in a recycle bin would be a good idea.

Basically though, my point is that men walk around seeing each other's penis's and it's not a pig deal, but if a woman farts in the loo, the whole office will know.

Posted by Loba @ 9:06 p.m.

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...and if you tap i more than twice, you're paying with it!...And no talking....And sometimes it's fun to pretend you are playing space invaders in the urinal....and sometimes you can be the lucky one to pee the deoderant puck out of existence...and no talking....and, and, talking...Turning your head to looka t the person next to you and saying nothing but putting a big smile on your face is not any better...and defininitely no winking...And sometimes there is ice in the urinals...I've never really known why...

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 8:50 p.m. #

Excellent, love it! »

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 2:57 a.m. #
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